Recipe box staples: how to make pancakes and blinis

July 28, 2015

Sometimes, you just need a plate of sweet or savoury carbs to get you through the morning. Try these delicious pancake and blini recipes.

Recipe box staples: how to make pancakes and blinis

Cook the best pancakes

Makes 8-10 pancakes

  • 100 g (1/3 c) plain flour
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 ml (1 1/4 c) semi-skimmed milk
  • Oil or melted butter for frying
  1. Sift flour and salt into a large bowl, make a well in the centre and add the lightly beaten eggs. Slowly work in half the milk, then beat with a hand whisk or electric whisk until smooth. Then add the rest of the milk, beating until bubbly. Alternatively, put all the ingredients into a blender and mix for one to two minutes until smooth, scraping down any mixture from the sides with a spatula. Leave batter to stand for 30-60 minutes, stir well and add a little more milk if the mixture is too thick.
  2. Brush enough oil or butter into a frying pan to coat lightly. Heat until really hot, then ladle in just enough batter to form a thin layer. Cook for about one minute or until the underside is golden, then turn over and cook the other side. Serve with sugar and lemon juice, or maple syrup.

Make blinis

Makes about 30

  • 350 g (1 1/2 c) plain flour
  • 10 ml (2 tsp) easy-blend dried yeast
  • Pinch of salt
  • 15 ml (1 tbsp) extra fine sugar
  • 2 large eggs, separated
  • 300 ml (1 1/4 c) milk
  • 370 ml (1 1/2 c) hand-hot water
  • 25g (2 tbsp) unsalted butter
  • Sunflower oil for frying
  1. Sift the flour into a bowl, then mix in the yeast, salt and sugar. Make a well in the centre.
  2. Beat the egg yolks with the milk and water. Melt and add the butter, then pour half the liquid into the well. Gradually beat in the flour to make a smooth batter, adding the remaining liquid in stages. Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place until doubled in volume.
  3. Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks and fold into the batter.
  4. Heat the oven to 120°C (250°F). Then heat a little oil in a heavy-based frying pan over a high heat.
  5. Spoon in the batter to make blinis about 10 centimetres (four inches) wide. Cook for about one minute each side until golden brown. Keep hot on a wire rack in the oven until all batter is used. During cooking, stir the remaining batter occasionally.
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