Ouest Antonio’s Pizza was founded in 1995. The mission then and the mission now is to provide clients with our fresh quality ingredient food items & great service to impress on every single delivery.
There is a commitment that all members of Ouest Antonios follow as this commitment to excellence is embedded in the culture at our family style pizzeria.
Having perfected a great tasting pizza over the years and having the objective to deliver 100% satisfaction to each and every client, Ouest Antonio’s Pizza has become synonymous with great tasting pizza in our community.
Our customers have become very loyal and we want to thank each and every one of them!
Laval des rapides
H3M, H4K, H4J
H7T, H7V, H7S, H7W, H7N
H4R, H4M, H4N, H4L, H4S
Fantastic pizza and always greeted with a smile.MARK K
Delivery is super fast even on Superbowl Sunday when it is the busiest day for pizzerías.
Their pizzas are super delicious with a variety that is enormous. I highly recommend. NICOLE D
The best pizza in Laval. Great lasagna too! A must try in you live in Laval.STEVEN L
Best place for Pizza and Subs in Laval. I order every weeks. JAY-EFF M
Such great, easy order experience with latest web-based apps. Delivery right on time...to the minute, but most of all the best greatest Pizza I ever had...no kidding ! BERNARD P
Genuinely the best Montreal-style take out or delivery pizza around. Copious amounts of toppings and a cheese lover's delight. I'd rather a Tony's special #3 over any 2 for one pizza any day. Thank you for delivering a fantastic product, a d always with a smile.ALEXANDRE L
Genuinely the best Montreal-style take out or delivery pizza around. Copious amounts of toppings and a cheese lover's delight. I'd rather a Tony's special #3 over any 2 for one pizza any day. Thank you for delivering a fantastic product, a d always with a smile.MARIOS A
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged
Email: info@ouestantoniospizza.com
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/ouestantoniospizza
Twitter: www.twitter.com/OuestAntonios